Pre-bid Engineering 

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Project management

Our project management experience covers all types of services and contracts, ranging from project management consultancy services to lumpsum turnkey contracts as well as all types of contractual relationships.

Key to successful track record is our approach to project management, which comes into play even before the contract has been won, during the bidding phase. Each project is evaluated and selected on its own merits and no market share or asset utilization target supercedes this rule.

Once  a project has been awarded, the Project Manager has full authority and is the single point of accountability during all phases of the project.Projects are monitored closely through monthly project reviews.

Project Risk Management

ENRGEN risk management process encompasses all phases of the project lifecycle i.e. it starts during pre-bid reviews of the invitation to bid (ITB) and ends only when all the contractual obligations have been fulfilled. Throughout these phases (bid preparation and project execution), all aspects such as commercial strategy, financial assets, contractual, technical, safety, environment are evaluated with respect to uncertainties or risks for the Project, Client and ENRGEN.

Risk management requires total project team involvement and it is essential that all key members of the project team understand the project baseline, the risks anticipated as well as planned mitigation measures.